Sunday, September 8, 2013

Morning Rain

Author by

This morning there was much rain,    
forcing the birds into trees,    
the butterflies beneath leaves.    
I stand at the open window,    
listening for the cool silence    
between raindrops.    
I begin to wonder    
about time machines,    
about being fully absorbed into the future:    
          The full view of a sunset    
          from our porch chairs,    
          a cat resting at our feet.    
          Faces aged, a hand    
          holding a hand.    
           And the wind    
          comes down from flowered hills,    
          filling the home with fragrances.    
          Everything is golden orange    
          like a softly glowing jewel.    
I blink and turn from the window.    
Another routine day begins.    
The echoes of my heartbeat    
will mingle with the rain.     

All poems copyright © 2008 by Jason Sturner

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